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Virtual YouTuber, abbreviated as VTuber, has been popular rapidly from 2018. Literally, it means YouTuber who is a virtual character. Their action, facial expression and reaction are very close to a living body, and unlike game and anime characters, you can communicate with them directly through live streaming, so it feels very real.
In 2016, the world’s first VTuber, Kizuna AI appeared. After that, there were more VTubers, and on December 2017, there was a rapid increase. On March 2018, the number reached to 1,000, continued increasing and reached 4,000 on June. It was a big boom.
While more VTubers are created, there are five tremendously popular VTubers, and they are called “The Big Four VTubers”. They are Kizuna AI, Kaguya Luna, Mirai Akari, Siro and Virtual Noja Loli Kitsunemusume Youtuber Ojisan. They are also called as “5 Making the big Four”.
We will introduce five VTubers known as “The Big Four VTubers” and other increasingly popular VTubers!
Kizuna AI
She is regarded as the pioneer of VTuber. Since the opening of the channel on December 2016, she has about 1.9 million subscribers as of June 2018. In addition to a very smooth move like a real human being, her face is very expressive like a cute idol. Although she claims herself to be “Intelligent super AI”, she is sometimes useless, and that’s a part of the attractiveness.
バーチャルYouTuberのパイオニアともいえる存在。2016年12月のチャンネル開設以降、2018年6月時点でチャンネル登録者数 約190万人と、圧倒的な人気。まるで3次元のようななめらかな動きに加え、表情が豊かで、アイドルのような可愛さ。「インテリジェントなスーパーAI」と名乗りながらポンコツな一面もあり、そこがまた魅力となっている。
Kizuna Ai Official site: http://kizunaai.com/
Kizuna Ai Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/aichan_nel
Kizuna Ai Official Inatagram: https://www.instagram.com/a.i.channel_official/
Kizuna Ai Official Facebook page:
Mirai Akari
From 27th October 2017, “Mirai Akari Project” started. The character is designed by KEI who also designed Hatsune Miku. The feature of the video is that it is selfie style. She challenges dirty jokes as well as put her whole body into the video. She calls herself “virtual comedian”.
Mirai Akari Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiraiAkari_prj
Kaguya Luna
Started from December 2017. She has a very unique voice which someone described as “the voice of Hamutaro being choked”, so her nickname became “Choking Hamutaro”. Also, she is extremely hyper, so she is called “humanization of Strong Zero (Japanese liquor)”. She is designed by Mika Pikazo.
Kaguya Luna Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/_KaguyaLuna
Kaguya Luna Official Facebook page: https://goo.gl/H3v8pA
Kaguya Luna Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaguyaluna_official/
Dennou Shojo Siro
As an idol, she dreams of having her concert at Nippon Budokan. Started from 28th June 2018. Her soft and cute voice is the feature. She is good at English, so she has videos dubbed in English.
Siro Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/SIROyoutuber
Virtual Noja Loli Kitsunemusume Youtuber Ojisan
She is a very cute character with animal ears, but her voice is done by a man. The creation of the model, planning, dubbing, and production of the video are all done by one person. She often talks about the loneliness of making the video alone, her experience in working part-time job and toughness of the world we’re living in.
Kemomimioukoku Official site: https://nekomasu.wixsite.com/kemomimioukoku
Kemomimioukoku Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/kemomimi_oukoku
Natori Sana
Started from March 2018. She is an expert at Internet meme, so she can use Internet slangs fluently. She calls the subscribers “Sensee”, and she talks to them as if they are her friends.
Natori Sana Official twitter: https://twitter.com/sana_natori
Kotobuki Yume
Started from April 2018. Other than YouTube, she also does LINE LIVE and Tik Tok. On Twitter, she often tweets about cosmetics and make-ups. It feels more like she is a real live person, so she calls herself “2.3 Dimensional VTuber”.
2018年4月から活動スタート。YouTubeの他に、LINE LIVEや動画アプリTik Tok等、幅広く活動している。Twitterでは、コスメやメイクに関する発言が多く、よりリアル(三次元)に近い存在で、「2.3次元VTuber」と名乗っている。
Kotobuki Yume Official twitter: https://twitter.com/KotobukiYume
Kotobuki Yume Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kotobuki_yume/
Fujima Sakura
Sally Amaki from 22/7 started her activities as VTuber on June 2018. She calls herself “VTuber who is best at English”. She broadcast news from Japan to other countries through her channel.
22/7 Official site: http://www.nanabunnonijyuuni.com/
Fujima Sakura Official twitter: https://twitter.com/_fujimasakura
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