7th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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The annual thanksgiving event held by T-Palette Records, the idol specialty label of Tower Records Japan, is coming back as T-Palette Records Presents[Live]meets palette for 2017!
With the new theme of “an event where one can meet various artists and genres”, Daikanyama UNIT and SALOON is the venue where it will be held on December 17, 2017. The initial lineup consists of the groups of T-Palette shown below but could it be possible that others will be added as the date approaches? Will there be another arm wrestling event? Wait and see!
Negicco Official site: http://negicco.net/
UPUPGIRLS (KARI) Official site: http://www.upupgirlskakkokari.com/
Idol Renaissance
Idol Renaissance Official site: http://idolrenaissance.com/
GANG PARADE Official site: http://www.gangparade.com/
WHY@DOLL Official site: http://www.whydoll.jp/
T-Palette Records Presents[Live]meets palette
December 17, 2017 (Sunday)
Daikanyama UNIT/SALOON
Open – 12:00pm Start – 12:30pm
5,000 yen (+1 drink minimum)
Related Links
T-Palette Records Official site: http://tower.jp/label/t-paletterecords
T-Palette Records Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/TPalette
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