8th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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“I’m devastated.” That’s what Rie Kaneko had said at the Congrats Rie Kaneko! You’re Now an Adult Party held back on January 8, 2018. She had been devastated at the idea of LADYBABY coming to an end, and so, LADYBABY pushed on toward creating a new future. Without looking back, the group proudly stood tall and moved forward.
「悔しい。」金子理江は2018年1月8日に開催された「金子理江 祝!成人パーティー」で、そう、言った。LADYBABYがこのまま終わるのは、悔しい。だから、LADYBABYは動き出した。新しい未来を創り出すために。決して後ろ向きにではなく、胸を張って、前に進むために。
And from there on, Nana Ikeda, Emily Arima, and Fuka Karasawa joined the group. Without missing a beat, they dived headfirst into the LADYBABY TOUR 2018【Encounter –REVENGE-】. On August 12, they wrapped up the tour with an additional performance at Shibuya STAR LOUNGE. It almost seems as if the group might be getting a little ahead of itself. After all, LADYBABY launched into a nationwide tour not even six months after welcoming its new members.
それから、池田菜々、有馬えみり、唐沢風花が加入した。そして、間髪入れずにLADYBABY TOUR2018【邂逅-REVENGE-】が始まった。ツアーは8月12日の渋谷STAR LOUNGEでの追加公演をもって、ファイナルを迎えた。こう書いてしまうと、少しばかり、彼女たちが先に行き急ぎすぎているような印象を与えてしまうかもしれない。なにせ、メンバー加入後半年も経たずに全国行脚を行っているのだから。
However, this didn’t prove to be the case at all. They appeared on stage as a newly reformed version of LADYBABY, much to the assurance of the group’s fans.
Seiko Oomori’s “Nostalgic J-POP” echoed throughout the venue as part of a special entrance. There’s a full audience, enveloped by nervousness and excitement, as the lights turn red. Drums sound. The kecak of the audience welcomes LADYBABY, and then comes the climax. Then the group’s four members appeared with a shout of “We’re ready to go!” Fuka, Emily, Nana, and Rie appear in that order. Their newly reformed look consists of costumes that seem to fuse “Japaneseness” and “cuteness” together, and it speaks of bottomless strength.
The first song they performed was “Sanpai! Goshuin Girl☆”. Although a familiar song of LADYBABY’s, what was surprising was Emily’s death voice. It wasn’t the usual idol’s part imitation of one, either, but an older-sounding death voice. The intensity of it was perfect, the venue shook, and it gave the audience goosebumps.
Then, their second song, “LOVE INNOCENT ACID KAWAII”, began with a “Shibuya! You know how to headbang, yeah!” The audience felt a sense of unity as they headbanged together. The group gave an agile dance performance that really got the crowd going.
「頭振れるよなぁ! シブヤァ!」で始まった二曲目の「LOVE INNOCENT ACID KAWAII」。ヘドバンで会場の一体感が増す。キレッキレのダンス。挑発は健在だ。
This was followed up by an early performance of “Nippon Manju”, the group’s representative song that at its core, changed idol expectations. In this four-member version of the song, each member was given their own dance solo. Each member’s colors combined to create a single, joyful one.
The fourth song they played was “Easter Bunny”, and seeing them perform it once again was a welcome blessing. I was so taken by the spectacular sight of it on stage that I forgot to take any notes. Then they continued with “Onigirick Reviver”, which completely captivated the audience, before launching into an MC.
四曲目は「Easter Bunny」。彼女らの再生を祝福する曲。ステージ上の壮観な光景に、筆者は、つい、見惚れてしまい、メモを取るのを忘れてしまった。続いて五曲目「オニギリック・リヴァイヴァー」で会場を見事に飲み込んでそのままMCへと突入した。
Once they wrapped up the MC, they began their sixth song, “Pinky! Pinky!” Watching their performance on stage filled me with confidence. I had faith in these girls, and I would follow them. I never once felt betrayed, even though before I had arrived at the venue, I admit I’d been feeling a little anxious about what they would be like. An idol is something that doesn’t just stop in one place. I couldn’t help but wonder where they were headed. Perhaps they would disappear before our eyes, the way a candle’s flame gently goes out. I’d be lying if I said the thought hadn’t caused me some uneasiness. However, as I watched their concert, I felt a growing sense that these girls would be all right. That from now on, moving forward, I would always be able to follow them.
MCが終わり、六曲目「Pinky! Pinky!」が始まる。壇上でパフォーマンスをする彼女らを見て、確信をした。彼女たちなら、信じられる。信じて、ついていける。決して裏切られない。正直言えば、会場に来る前には、少しばかり不安があった。彼女たちはどうなるんだろう。アイドルとは、ひとつの場所にとどまることのない存在だ。彼女たちは一体どこへ行ってしまうんだろう。もしかしたら、私たちの前から消えてしまうかもしれない。キャンドルの火が、そっと消えるように。そんな不安がなかったと言えば嘘になる。しかし、このライブを、ここまで見て、強く思った。彼女たちなら大丈夫だ。これからも、ずっと、いつまでも、追いかけていける、と。
Their seventh song, “Shibuya CROSSING” got the audience riled up, and then during their eigth song, “Age Age Money ~Ochingin Daisakusen~”, they completely embodied what it is to be an idol as dollar bills scattered in the background. Rie Kaneko constantly remarks that she’s strongest when she has a microphone in her hand, and I could definitely tell. During their ninth song, “Jojo Joyu”, both the four members on stage and the audience broke out into the best smile. The venue was filled with happiness.
For their encore they performed “C’est si bon Kibun” and “Me! Me! Me!” as well as their newest song, “Hoshi no Nai Sora”. Rie spoke, “It’s just something simple, not anything difficult. I love LADYBABY, I love all of our fans, and I love this atmosphere. I think this is what happiness is.” Her words made me realize that even if the world ended, these four would not.
Finally, LADYBABY announced they’d be doing a solo show at Shinjuku BLAZE on October 27, 2018, titled “We Are LADYBABY”. It’s a great opportunity to see the newly reformed LADYBABY that’s shaking up both Japan and the world, and I hope everyone will be watching.
そして、LADYBABYのワンマン公演が告知された。2018年10月27日に新宿BLAZEで「We are LADYBABY」が開催される。日本を、世界を揺るがす、新生LADYBABYを見るチャンス。みんなで見届けよう。
October 27, 2018
Shinjuku BLAZE (Tokyo)
Related Links
LADYBABY Official site: http://ladybaby-fc.com
LADYBABY Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/ladybaby2015
LADYBABY Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladybaby_jp/
LADYBABY Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ladybaby2015/
LADYBABY Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKlfTlx0oY6BiCH7Qvabrhg
Translated by Jamie Koide
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