Furukawa Mirin from Dempagumi.inc Announced her Marriage!!

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The members that will form @JAM ALLSTARS 2018 to sing the “Yume no Suna〜a theme of @JAM”, the official theme song produced by Kenichi Maeyamada (known as Hyadain), have been announced.
@JAM ALL STARS 2018 consists of Fuuka Kumazawa (Task have Fun), Nagi Nemoto (Dempagumi.inc), MAINA (OSAKA☆SYUNKASYUTO), Maki(Ayumikurikamaki), and Reona Matsushita (Maneki Kecha).
For every year of @JAM EXPO, the selection of members change. In 2014, it was Azusa Sekine (UPUPGIRLS (KARI)), Hitomi Arai (Tokyo Girls’ Style), Mari Takahashi (Dorothy Little Happy), Mariya Suzuki (Cheeky Parade) and Risa Aizawa (Dempagumi.inc). In 2015, it was Natsu Amano (LinQ), Mai Okamoto (Hime Kyun Fruit Can), Ayane Fujisaki (Dempagumi.inc), Rana Murakami (GEM), and Rio Watanabe (Babyraids JAPAN). In 2016, it was Hirona Murata (9nine), Koume Watanabe (SUPER☆GiRLS), Mirin Furukawa (Dempagumi.inc), Shiori Mori (PASSPO☆), and Kyoka (Yumemiru Adolescence). In 2017 last year, it was Hina Koyama (Kamiyado), Akari Saho (UPUPGIRLS (KARI)), Nanase Hirokawa (Wasuta), Seira Jonishi (Tokyo Performance Doll), and Fuka Kanzaki (sora tob sakana).
@JAM EXPO 2018
August 25, 2018(Sat) to August 26, 2018(Sun)
Open-9:00am Start-10:00am
Yokohama Arena
APPARE! Harajuku, uijin, Kamiyado, SUPER☆GiRLS, Yufu Terashima, Dempagumi.inc, Niji no Conquistador, Negicco, PASSPO☆, FES☆TIVE, Akishibu project, CROWN POP, TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE, Batten Showjo Tai, Beboga!, MAGiCAL PUNCHLiNE, monogatari, Yanakoto Sotto Mute, Lovely☆Doll, lyrical school, Akishibu project, CROWN POP, TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE, Batten Shoujo Tai, Beboga!, MAGiCAL PUNCHLiNE, monogatari, Yanakoto Sotto Mute, Lovely⭐︎Doll, Lyrical School, Higashi Ikebukuro 52, =LOVE, STU48, callme, 3B junior, sora tob sakana, Task have Fun, TOY SMILEY, Tokyo Performance Doll, The Dance for Philosophy, Yumemiru Adolescence, wyenra, UPUPGIRLS (KARI), UPUPGIRLS (2), UPUPGIRLS (PRO-WRESTLING), CYNHN, Zenryoku Shoujo R, TsuriBit, Tokyo CuteCute, Nanaland, Party Rockets GT, Moso Calibration, ROCK A JAPONICA, AIS-All Idol Songs-, amiinA, AKB48, AKB48 Team8, KAZEHIKARU FUKUROU, Qumari Depart, Kobushi Factory, Juice=Juice, Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku, Team Syachihoko, 9nine, notall, Pandamic, Fullfull Pocket, Babyraids JAPAN, Idol College, Ayumikurikamaki, Ange☆Reve, Iginari Tohoku San, OSAKA☆SYUNKASYUTO, Sakura Cinderella, THERE THERE THERES, Zettai Chokkyū Joshi! Playballs, Chu-Z, Tenkoushoujo*, Pimm’s, Maneki Kecha, Malcolm Mask McLaren, Maison book girl, LinQ, The World Standard
Goodwill ambassador: Mirin Furukawa (Dempagumi.inc)
Host: Yufu Terashima
@JAM Navigators: MEY
Ticket preorder period: April 9 (Mon) 12pm to July 13 (Fri) 11:59pm
Rakuten Tickets
2-days ticket (August 25 and 26): https://wp.tstar.jp/cart/performances/79779
1-day ticket (August 25): https://wp.tstar.jp/cart/performances/79780
1-day ticket (August 26): https://wp.tstar.jp/cart/performances/79781
@JAM EXPO 2018 Official site: http://www.at-jam.jp/series/expo2018
@JAM EXPO Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/at_jam
@JAM EXPO Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/atjamjamjam?ref_type=bookmark
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