8th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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DEADLIFT LOLITA, the muscular and kawaii duo of Ladybeard and Reika Saiki, made their explosive debut with a red-hot performance alongside some of their closest comrades Cheer♡1, Desu. Rabbits, and THE Natsu no Mamono at Shibuya club asia on April 5, 2017 for DEADLIFT LOLITA Kessei Kinen Live!
The eyes and ears of the world were turned to the land of the rising sun to witness the debut of the strongest idol duo on that warm spring evening in Tokyo.
Round 1: Cheer♡1
Cheer♡1, the team of models that supports WRESTLE-1 and performs as an idol group, rung the bell for the first round as they appeared in a flash on the stage. With a flurry of pumping fists and towels whipping through the air, they had the audience heated up.
Related Links
Cheer♡1 Official site: http://www.walk-m.co.jp/
Cheer♡1 Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cheer1_models
Round 2: Desu. Rabbits
A new chapter of the ongoing friendly rivalry between Ladybeard and Bucho opened as Desu. Rabbits took the stage, stirring up the crowd right away with “Nande?”, turning up the pressure as they accelerated into “Kaiju ANPONTAN”. Switching up the mood with the jazzy “Oshare Kyapa Bucho to Yugami” and “Usagi no Kimochi”, Desu. Rabbits hopped back into the aggressive side of their discography with “Uchu-chu”, inciting a bon dance circle during “Omatsuri JAPAN!! Kokuhaku Night” to end their set on a festive note.
Set List
01 Nande?
03 Oshare Kyapa Bucho to Yugami
04 Usagi no Kimochi
05 Uchu-chu
06 Omatsuri JAPAN!! Kokuhaku Night
Related Links
Desu. Rabbits Official site: http://g-records.jp/desurabbits/
Desu. Rabbits Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/desu_rabbits1
Round 3: THE Natsu no Mamono
THE Natsu no Mamono exploded onto the stage as they unleashed the full throttle foot-stomping rock fury of “SUNSET HEART ATTACK”, keeping their engines revving as they rumbled through “Ring no Mamono”. Daichi Narita shared his admiration and respect for Ladybeard before launching into an emotional performance of “over the hill”. Picking up the tempo again with “Tokyo Moso Forever Young” and “Boku to Kimi no Rock ‘n’ Roll”, THE Natsu no Mamono raced across the finish line with “Dokimeki Live・Rally”.
Set List
00 overture〜Bakuretsu Revolution
02 Ring no Mamono
03 over the hill
04 Tokyo Moso Forever Young
05 Boku to Kimi no Rock ‘n’ Roll
06 Dokimeki Live・Rally
Related Links
THE Natsu no Mamono Official site: http://thenatsunomamono.com/
THE Natsu no Mamono Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/natsunomamono
THE Natsu no Mamono YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/natsunomamonoch
Ladybeard took the stage first, hair whipping as he roared his way through “LB AIRLINES”. The audience gasped in anticipation as Reika Saiki appeared from out the darkness, extending her hand out towards Ladybeard, their eyes fixed in determined gazes. Flexing their biceps, DEADLIFT LOLITA punched and stomped their way through “SIX PACK TWINS”, marching forward into the future. Locking arms back to back, Ladybeard lifted Reika up in the air, with her returning the favor moments later. Pausing to greet the audience, Ladybeard and Reika were met with cheers, applause, and even streamers that flew onto the stage. Ladybeard greeted the fans from overseas in English and Reika shouted for everyone to come along with them as they would go wild and sweat a lot (in Japanese).
Leaping high above the stage and dancing cutely to “Pump Up JAPAN” and pantomiming weight training exercises during “Gym Gym Loli”, DEADLIFT LOLITA were glistening with sweat. Taking another short break, they gave away a signed T-shirt to a fan who they felt was the most excited. High-kicking and wotagei-ing their way through “Kimi Terasu Sairiumu”, DEADLIFT LOLITA’s sweltering debut live came to a close, Ladybeard picking Reika up and swinging her around mid-song. Flexing one last time, DEADLIFT LOLITA smiled and waved to the cheering audience before going offstage. Such a powerful debut performance by DEADLIFT LOLITA promises even bigger gains as they continue to develop and evolve as a group.
DEADLIFT LOLITA will be appearing at Anime Midwest in Chicago (July 7-9, 2017) and based on the performance from their debut live, it promises to be an unforgettable experience!
Set List
01 LB AIRLINES (Ladybeard solo)
03 Pump Up JAPAN
04 Gym Gym Loli
05 Kimi Terasu Sairiumu
Photos by Kai Okudara
Related Links
DEADLIFT LOLITA Official site: https://www.dl-lolita.com/
DEADLIFT LOLITA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/dll_japan
DEADLIFT LOLITA Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Deadlift-Lolita-1264265880332049/
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