
Nabe Party: Survive the Cold with Hot Pot!

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Nabe Party: Survive the Cold with Hot Pot!

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Is it snowing in your country? Here in Japan, some regions had snow. To survive this harsh cold winter, we often hold Nabe Party, abbreviated as Nabepa! Nabe is a Japanese stew. We share one big pot and have a chilling time with our friends and families.

Mizore Nabe

今日はトトロ( ̄▽ ̄) 大変やけどみぞれ鍋アート面白い(^O^)

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As you can see, mizore nabe is very photogenic. You need to use a lot of grated radish, and the raddish looks like sleet (mizore), so it was named that way. It’s too bad that you have to destroy whatever cute characters you created with radish, but it’s really good!

Kimchi Nabe

One of the very standard nebe yet delicious! Kimchi nabe will easily heat up your frozen body! You might even sweat from the hotness of kimchi.

Lemon Nabe

This nabe is also Instagram-worthy. The taste is very light, so if you weren’t feeling so good from drinking too much at parties, this is highly recommended!

Russian Roulette Gyoza Nabe

This will definitely be fun with your friends! As you may know, because this is a Russian roulette, one of the gyoza (dumpling) has tabasco sauce inside. Who will be the unlucky one to eat that spicy gyoza?


#ケレタロ #単身赴任 #自炊生活 #おでん #祭り

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Oden is a winter tradition in Japan! We cannot survive winter without this. One of the most popular ingredients is mochi kinchaku. It’s a mochi inside a deep fried tofu bag.


Everyone’s favorite, Sukiyaki! The ingredients are sliced beef, vegetables and tofu. The flavor is made with soy sauce, sugar and sake. It’s enjoyed during not only winter but also other seasons.

Yami Nabe

It is a secret hot pot which you don’t know what’s inside. People bring any ingredients they want to put in the pot without letting others know what they brought. Then, after turning the light off, one by one, they put their ingredients. After it’s cooked, it’s time to eat! It’s better to keep the light off so that you can feel the excitement of eating something you don’t know.

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University student in Tokyo who loves eating and traveling! Read Jump comics and watch Ghibli films during free time.

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